景观规划设计的任务是通过对沟谷性自然地貌的景观化系统解决方案提升城市的公共空间品质和生态质量,带动周围地区的快速协调发展。景观规划从地形 / 气候 / 交通 / 土地 / 文化等几个要素出发, 系统构建了景观的分区和节点。在冰凌湖和冰凌沟形成有层次、有内涵,开敞、跌宕、幽静、舒缓等多种情境的休闲场所。与大自然的亲近和对话、现有窑洞的文化再利用都强化了场所的个性。
The task of design is to promote open space quality and ecological quality by provide a systematic solution. Landscape planning considered several factors such as terrain, climate, traffic, landuse and culture and create the zoning and landscape zones.
The landscape design fol lowed LID principle to maintain the original and unique natural looking. minimize the contruction and operation cost under good qualit