
  • 建筑类型: 其他
  • 建筑规模:11公里
  • 设计内容: ——
  • 项目地点:河北 保定
  • 设计周期: 2014 -2014



空间结构基于现状生态格局、用地条件等分析,围绕生态优先、有序更新、产业升级的指导思想规划引导镇区形成 “ 一心两带三片区 ” 的总体空间结构。其中,“ 一心 ” 即城镇综合服务中心,“ 两带 ” 即太行山东支脉及唐河流域景观带的两条生态景观带, “ 三片区 ” 即三个功能片区,包括老城镇生活区、产业园区和特色村庄区。


The integrated development of Beijing-Tianjin- Hebei region will provide new vitality to the Tang County. Therefore, Baihe town shouldclear its target and goal based on the social economic development, speed up its spatial expansion and strategic transformation of city center, which could promote the opening and development of the town and ahead connect to Beijing industrial transfer.


Based on the existing analysis of ecological pattern and land condition, the overall spatial structure of the town is formed as “one core, two landscape belts, and three districts" by following three principles: ecological priority, ordered updating and industrial upgrading. Among them, “one core” means town comprehensive service center; “two landscape belts” means the east branch of Taihang Mountain and Tang river landscape belt; “three areas” means the living area of old town, industrial park and characteristic village area.