
  • 建筑类型: 其他
  • 建筑规模:23公里
  • 设计内容: ——
  • 项目地点:江苏 镇江
  • 设计周期: 2015 -2015

    练湖位于丹阳市西北部,紧邻京杭大运河,自古就是江南地区重要的文化景观遗产资源。现存练湖经过多年围垦、淤积,水面面积仅为代的 36%,且湖体分散破碎,原有调蓄、济运功能也大为削弱。规划旨在恢复练湖湖体规模与行洪调蓄能力的同时,重塑片区自然生态景观,并围绕湖区建设特色生态新城。


SPD 团队首先对练湖、京杭大运河以及周边水系水资源与水环境进行总体评估,并利用水平衡模型确定未来湖体面积、平均深度与稳定库容。在此基础上,项目团队在滨湖片区塑造区域养老基地、滨水主题乐园、高端湖滨生活区、练湖新天地、丹阳遗产小镇等特色组团,并提出具体的用地布局和景观体系方案。


Located in the northwest of Danyang City and next to the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Lian Lake is an important cultural landscape heritage resource in the south of the Yangtze River since ancient times. The existing water area of Lian Lake is only 36% of the ancient after years of reclamation and sedimentation, and the lake are scattered and broken, the original storage and transport function was also greatly weakened. The planning aimed at restoring lake size to support flood regulation and storage capacity Meanwhile, aims of reshaping the area of natural ecological landscape and constructing characteristic ecological new city around the Lake District were also achieved.




SPD team first made an water resources and water environment evaluation on the Lian Lake and the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal using the water balance model to determine the future of the lake area, the average depth and stability capacity. Based on this, the project team planned regional pension base, waterfront theme park, high-end living area, Lian Lake new world, Danyang heritage town and the other characteristic groups in the lakeside area, putting forward the specific layout of land use and landscape architecture.