滨海经济区 战略咨询细规划咨询及城市设计
郑州滨河国际新城位于郑州经济技术开发区潮河以南 , 总占地 10 平方公里 , 定位于打造经开区产城融合 , 宜居宜业 , 宜智宜教 , 舒适和谐 , 有文化内涵的现代化核心区 , 是郑州都市区九大区域性新区之一 , 它的建设将全面提升郑州的综合品质和国际影响力。
In order to ensure the project develop efficiently and sustainably, project team focuses on the following aspects:
Precise Position, Refine the format, Improve land revenue: Through the positioning, planning, supporting facilities, optimizing the diversification system to improve the value of land and increase the land revenue;
Optimize urban design, Enhance the image of the core area: Improve operability of strategy and suggestion from the aspects of general layout, spatial form and control index and etc., through the optimization of urban design and provide the perfect way for adjustment of planning index.